RFA Membership Categories

The Refrigerated Foods Association is the leading association of manufacturers and suppliers of prepared, refrigerated foods. Our Association offers different types of memberships, designed to meet the needs of the entire industry. Details about each of the membership types are listed below.
1.) Manufacturing Membership
Available to any individual, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture and sale of prepared, refrigerated food products. These foods are defined as edible preparations that are commercially prepared, safely packaged, requiring refrigeration, and ready-to-eat/heat/cook.
* Commercially Prepared - Value added by the manufacturer, not packaging of a commodity. * Safely Packaged - When using modern technology, (e.g. MAP/CAP) the safety of the product is assured by introducing a barrier(s), other than refrigeration of the product. * Requiring Refrigeration - Finished product must be held at 45 degrees F or less (40 degrees F or less is recommended). Seafood product must be held at 38 degrees F or less. * Ready-To-Eat/Heat/Cook - Refers to its method of preparation by the consumer to include heating, slicing or cooking.
2.) Associate Membership
Available to companies who supply goods and/or services to the refrigerated foods industry.
3.) Affiliate Membership
Available to any person or company, exclusive of refrigerated food processors/manufacturers and industry suppliers, engaged in business or operations related to the refrigerated foods industry and its supply chain and interested in the betterment and growth of the industry.
4.) Academic/Professional Membership
Available to any individual or institution with an academic interest in the refrigerated foods industry. They shall include individuals or institutions involved in teaching, research, or extension.
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